Student's Testimonials (64 reports)

Rea | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Video Available in Greek

Theodoros| Ioannina, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
300 hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
Audio Available in Greek

George | Athens, Greece
3oo hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Alliance
Audio Available in Greek

Evgenia | Athens, Greece
3oo hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Alliance
Audio Available in Greek

Elli | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
It is a journey full of love and sincerity. A journey where you are asked to leave everything and surrender to the ocean’s depth. A journey to the Self, who is always here, but you have forgotten ..
A journey of reconnection with humans, birds, nature, your voice. I had the opportunity to share the journey with amazing people and cross the path with them. After the retreat, I experience constant changes, as if the old skin is peeling and a new one is being created ..
Changes from the way I live and manage the daily life up to the relationship with other people. Every minute of the day hides endless joy. The journey reminds you how to be a child again, how to get excited just with a small rock, how to touch with love, how to wash the dishes with a smile up to the ears, how to listen to the body and move on without fear.
Yes it is a dive into the unknown, yes, you are facing you, but why to be afraid? Trust! It’s just life. It's just love.

Margarita| Aigina, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Audio Available in Greek

Sofia | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Audio Available in Greek

Susan| Chattanooga, US
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training (Eng)
The in-person retreat was challenging and enlightening – the full immersion over 10 days definitely helped kickstart my spiritual journey. Having that experience to bring back home was invaluable, and then the regular online sessions helped keep the momentum going. I truly believe that the “training” has equipped me with a set of tools that I will carry into my lifelong practice.
Tassos was very consistent and creative in how he encouraged us to always be in the yogic state. The group of us cultivated a deep bond, and I am confident that the feeling of family will only deepen as we walk through the rest of our individual journeys. The training helped me connect not only to my Self, but also to nature and the
lives of everything and everyone around me.
I find myself now going through life more unhurried, more aware of the divine character of every being and every moment, and how I have no ownership of it. I have learned so much about the practical tools of a yoga practice through the course, certainly, but even more about how to exist in yoga, until it
becomes a natural part of who I am. That is what I will carry forward with me for the rest
of my life, and I am grateful for this training for exposing me to what that looks like.
I would recommend Karma Yoga to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of spirituality.

Elina | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
- How did the school help understand what is the goal/essence of the path and the way torworeds there
The choice of attending Karma Yoga - Traditional School of Yoga, was conscious. In any path, the road is not always unobstructed or bright and sometimes it is not even clearly visible. You need a teacher, a companion, a guide. Even from the first contact with teacher Tassos, I understood that I am exactly where I should be. The search and the answer to the internal questions found answers and permanent relief through the experience, guidance and morals of teacher Tassos. Inspiration, matched with know-how. Tasos has always the answers because he himself consistently walks the path with humility and love. The goal of the School, clearly and always, was the teaching of the path of Self-Knowledge, through impartial and selfless Love, compassion, consistency, noble guidance and excellent technical teaching.
- How did the teachings help on the path of Self-Knowledge
One step at a time is the key. The technology (technique) and the knowledge of it, allows deepening into the science of yoga. And I characterize yoga as science because the results are measurable and obvious.
The teachings, even for someone who does not want to teach other people, reveals the very structure of the system and the understanding of its essential operation, thus strengthening each step of the path, however small it may be.
- How I experienced the sadhana (spiritual practise) of the training
One of these steps is the daily sadhana. Its the basic tool in the application of the eight limbs of yoga. A daily reminder that I am not a body, I am not a mind. The greater the consistency in daily practice, the greater the inner change and therefore the very sense of life as an experience.
Life is differect with and without sadhana. The body and mind are reprogrammed, the sense of Self becomes more and more familiar, day by day the state of consciousness is more and more mastered until it becomes a permanent status. Daily functions are done with vigilant observation, disidentification from events and detachment from ideas, beliefs, thoughts and feelings.
- How did the training help in a technical-pedagogical context
I will use the puzzle analogy. It is like having a puzzle in our possession, but without knowing what the picture is that we are trying to assemble and without having all the pieces. The training provides both the picture and the missing pieces. It provides the knowledge that the body and mind form a spaceship and also gives us the operation manual. It is important to know that what you are trying to achieve has a method and that in order for 'x' to work like this, there is a specific way to achieve the goal. And even more important that this can be communicated.
- How I felt the connection with the group and the teacher.
Something I also mentioned at the end of the retreat, it is very moving that people gather with a common purpose and stand next to each other with trust, understanding and respect. Especially on a path that basically has a solitary character as everyone's mission is theirs alone and the path they walk is unique and unlike anyone else's. There comes the connection with the teacher and the group that always exists as a constant, giving the confidence that no one is alone, on the contrary, the whole provides security in the knowledge that everyone shares the very expression of themselves, that they are free to he does, and how one, with the teacher first and best, wishes for the blossoming and prosperity of the other.
- How I experienced the online training and the online session in general
By online we mean here either live online or asynchronous (video recording). This was felt even in the lessons that one could watch on video and asynchronously. I watched all the teaching methods, videotaped asynchronously, online and live and I can say it with confidence.
Although my primary desire has always been to live, because the school with the teacher provides the proper atmosphere and allows direct interaction of both the physical body and the spirit, there was no difference with the other ways of attending. The sanga is there, the teacher is there, the teachings are there and accompanies you.
- How did I experience the retreat and what were the benefits?
I attended the retreat online and it was something I was looking forward to. It was like a turning point in space and time. There were of course many moments of trial, but there was also the teacher and the belief in his guiding abilities. I can say that I detected a reboot of the system. Day by day there were changes both at the gross level and at the subtle level. First the sense of time itself was different, the days contained more possibility and there was a sense of absolute union with the environment and the world in general. Waking up in the morning, before the first light, in the silence, was the promise I made to myself for a day of solid observation. I didn't feel the need to spend energy and time on anything other than practice. Not to talk to people, not to pick up my cell phone, not even to eat. And every day that passed gave something more to the results of the previous one. Until the last day I realized that everything I did, I did it out of pure joy, love and respect for life itself! It was now clear that the natural state of body and mind, the human experience itself, 'must' be this way and anything different is an indication that somewhere, somehow, I have deviated from my course (I say this to listen to my own words). The sense of the group was also something that multiplied the experience. It gave a lot of strength that, in this whole project, a whole group of people participated, as if the effort made by everyone was shared and we magnified each other's strengths. Absolute trust to the teacher, who always inspires security because he knows what he is talking about, and what he had to communicate he always did with patience and love.
- After the retreat what has changed (e.g. in everyday life, in sadhana, to the "sense" of Self)
After leaving, there is still the non-need for 'unnecessary'. Whether it is food, whether it is conversation, whether it is thoughts, or entertainment of all kinds. The sense of Self does not fade, without this meaning that there are no moments when I am 'fantasised' by the games of the mind, the knowledge is there. I'm going through a bit of a rough time, in terms of the things I'm dealing with internally but I feel like I have the tools to cope and even if I sometimes lose my way, I know I can find it again.
- Have there been changes in my life because of education in general?
Too many changes, I feel. The months that passed brought a lot of ferment. In other words, I feel like I'm moving in a spiral, like I'm going on a journey of self-awareness and exploring different depths as time goes by and the knowledge is assimilated. It's not as dramatic as I write it, but it's the best way to describe it. I conclude, however, that when it's coordinated my internal state is reflected in my external state and everyday life enters a different flow, smoother and more effortless.
- Would you recommend the school to people interested in education in yoga and Self-awareness in general?
Unreservedly. As a collective we are going through a period where reality as we know it is collapsing. I feel that there is a need to search for the truth, our own identity, and the world that surrounds us. Through the teaching of Yoga we find answers to questions that we had not even asked ourselves, since we did not even know what the nature of our lack is. Through Self-Knowledge, however, the human experience changes, the experience itself, relationships change, reality itself changes. So yes, I would recommend the school to people who are interested in yoga training but mostly to people who are interested in Self-Knowledge. I feel grateful to have met teacher Tassos. Thank you for the essential teaching, the tireless guidance, for the rich material that provided the necessary help for daily work, the free access to inspiration, the mental and physical safety, the understanding, and his Love for Yoga and for the people who want to walk the path beside him.

Natassa | Friedrichshafen, Germany
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I remember the first time we talked on the phone with the teacher...
I was so excited.
Only Love! Τhat's what he gave and that's what I received in every lesson. Love opened my heart and helped me to "grow", to evolve!
After each session I experienced the change.
New memories..of inspiration, truth and freedom.
After the retreat...I feel like breathing the Truth.
I am all that! Every moment, every Now! Anywhere!
A smile is engraved in my soul.
I see me, realizing that I am not my thoughts, not my emotions.
I know that the path is long but little by little and with daily sadhana the balance is becoming more stable.
Happiness, Love, Light are here. They are here without me intervening or seeking them outside.
In order to do that out beloved teacher and all these wonderful people, our team, helped!
They had the energy to wake me up and encourage me, when I was afraid to let go.
Each individual is different, but we all had the same connection, the same thirst and hunger!
The teacher and the team are a chain of the same material!
Even those few times I was there online the connection and joy remained.
It’s the most beautiful gift I gave myself.
I trusted and let myself in the process and I am grateful!
I allowed myself to outgrow my old self!
I welcomed the dream and it transformed into a bright future!
I suggest to other wonderful people to experience it and be inspired by this energy, passion, Love, Presence!
This energy and the Light that flows when one meets the teacher and "steps" into the school!
Love and Light!
Everything just is!

Joyce | Manchester, UK
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training (Eng)
I chose this training, after extensive research, due to the fact that it is training in traditional yoga.
Upon browsing the internet, there were endless 2/3 week intensive vinyasa courses in the form of luxury retreats. This was not for me. I wanted to learn over time, gradually assimilating knowledge and wisdom and truly beginning to understand the
philosophy and meaning of hatha yoga; as well as having the time to learn and practice the different purification techniques, not just the asanas!
Tassos and I met every week over Zoom. Our meetings were special and deep. I not only learnt a lot about the art of studentship, but also so much about how to view life and self in the yogic tradition and what a huge impact this can
have on one’s life as well as the lives of those around us. Awareness and wisdom were transmuted very naturally, I felt, through Tassos’s words and presence.
Throughout the course, there were also many self-practice materials – books, tutorials, videos – which made in possible to learn at my own pace, which fitted in well with my work and life schedule.
In September, I attended a 5 day retreat in Greece as part of the training. This taught me many things. It was wonderful to practice as part of a community; there were 15 of us, and we got to know each other, questioned discussed and were also able to give each other energy while being silent together while practicing. This leads me to another thing I learnt – how to be silent with others, which was beautiful. The discipline to get up v early (with no coffee or food!) and start the day’s sadhana was hard for me and I feel proud I was able to do this. We also had so much wonderful practice together, including deep meditation, pranayama, asana, kirtan (I loved this and am seeking them out in my local area!), Thai massage and meditative dance. Tassos led the retreat with a calm and grace that was contagious and a teaching in itself.
Thank you for bringing this part of my self and my life to the forefront and for the incredible transformative potential that has begun for me as a result.

Vasiliki | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The yoga journey started for me about 13 years ago.
However, I felt a void, a need to go deeper, to understand what it was was causing this well-being. The path led me to the Karma yoga traditional school attend the 200 hours Teacher Training. From the first lessons I had the
feeling that I am now starting the real journey in yoga. I began to understand what I was looking for regarding the path, the questions I had inside began to find the answers. Yoga is not only asanas practice, without understanding why I do what I do. Every movement, every breath has the reason for its existence and it is done for a specific reason. Sadhana led me to practice my patience, connect with the present moment, escape even for a few minutes
from the agony of yesterday and tomorrow. The path is a daily struggle towards self-awareness, with small steps, with setbacks, with doubts, with effort.
The teacher patiently in each lesson repeated to us things that we had never heard before and understood that for some of us it was everything new. His calmness, his way of teaching, his humor were factors that helped me keep attended the classes. The contact with the teacher and the rest of the group was pleasant and gave me strength and desire to continue and to want to be there.
I waited all year to be at the retreat, some adversities did not let me be physically present there, however I attended it synchronously on-line, and experienced, while it was happening. However, there were moments when I felt, mainly because of the silence, a loneliness, a difficulty. I cried, I strained with emotions that came to the surface. But at the end, I felt calmness, peace, a feeling that I am stronger to face difficulties.
Yoga is the continuous practice in order to keep the mind to turbulence. Ι will not forget the words of the teacher “it is easier to stop the wind than the thoughts”.
The relationship with the teacher did not end with the 200 hour training, that was just the acquaintance.
Thank you Tassos and the team for sharing all these feelings and the difficulties. The path continues...

Jennifer | London, UK
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training (Eng)
I am taking this opportunity to document the beginning of my yoga journey. I stumbled upon the course when I felt lost and uncertain about the direction of my life. I had once believed that happiness was a destination, attainable through the perfect job, a move to a new country, or meeting the right person. However, with time, I realized that the joy I sought in those things often turned into sorrow. The dream job demanded too much of my time, the new country lost its sparkle, etc
It was then that I started to embark on my spiritual journey, and I am grateful for finding this teacher training course, although I didn't know what to expect at the beginning.
In the yoga retreat, we learned also about Karma Yoga – the act of helping others without expecting anything in return and letting go of your ego. We also engaged in numerous silence exercises, learning to connect with ourselves and nature. The realization that there has never been a moment when our lives weren't in the present, and there never will be, profoundly altered my perspective. I used to be someone constantly focused on outcomes, the finish line, and the rewards that lay ahead. However, I overlooked the beauty within each step of the process and discovered that I didn't even enjoy the process itself. Understanding that life can unfold in surprising and unpredictable ways because nothing is ever certain, I now appreciate the importance of giving our best efforts every day, looking after ourselves daily, and showing up for ourselves consistently. It's about surrendering to the outcome and believing that we are strong enough for whatever comes our way.
Upon returning to the real world, maintaining inner peace and embracing a slow-paced lifestyle has proven to be a challenge. However, the daily sadhana has provided me with a clearer mind, allowing me to observe my thoughts immediately. I've noticed that when feelings of anxiety or heightened emotions arise, this practice assists me in recentering and cultivating gratitude for what I already have. Additionally, practising karma yoga has played a significant role in helping me detach from the outcomes and results of my actions. This shift has granted me a greater sense of freedom and relaxation, allowing me to relinquish constant expectations.
It was delightful to reconnect with everyone in the online session after experiencing the retreat together. Despite the challenge of balancing assignments, work, and family expectations, I try to maintain the yogi mindset. The focus isn't on reaching goals quickly and perfectly; rather, it's about savoring the process and understanding the deeper meaning behind it.
I would recommend the school for individuals seeking to explore spirituality.

Maria | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
As soon as I found myself in the Karma Yoga traditional school, I felt that I was in the right place. I felt instantly calmness, completeness, and peace. This feeling continued to appear every time I was in the school during the
training. With the guidance of the teacher, I had the opportunity to experience concepts that I had been searching for for several years though my mind. Tassos teached us with authenticity and helped me to understand the essence of the path of Self-knowledge. The main elements of his teaching are the simplicity and authenticity. There were difficulties, of course but his stability and dedication to the path and the patience he showed, helped me to continue the effort.
The sangha also played and still plays a decisive role so far. I felt a deep connection and communication from the beginning in many ways .
The sadhana gave me stability, perseverance, strength and clarity. The retreat was a very special part of the training. There I experienced the greatest change within myself, the daily sadhana, the mauna, the sitting, the group effort of the sangha, all helped me to come into presence, to no longer identify with thoughts and the mind, with the difficulties of the body but to listen to what always remains stable and eternal.
I feel great gratitude for the school that helped me turn inward and reminded me of who I truly am, Love and Light.

Stela | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Everything happens for a reason"…
My motto… The real power of this phrase comes through constantly reminding myself and seeking lessons from every experience… a process that takes time, patience and concentration.
The school helped me become more aware of this through Mindfulness and Presence, allowing me to observe thoughts and feelings without judgment, thus making it easier to accept and observe events as they are.
Although Yoga it is an inner and lonely path, the strength of the group made its presence felt. There was a supportive community where we students shared our experiences, took courage and thus felt less alone in our difficulties.
I took the classes both in person and online, and while I was initially hesitant about whether distance learning would work, my fears were finally dispelled. The school is always open and ready to host you.
As far as sadhana is concerned, it has been the biggest challenge for me, but it can be achieved with dedication, gradual effort and dedication. It has helped me cultivate discipline in many areas of my life and realize that it is the means to realizing and realizing any goal.
The retreat experience: 5 days...21 people...Withdrawal from everyday life and routine...The experience is refreshing and transformative! Having bound myself to observe all the conditions and rules, without fully realizing their usefulness, I remained for 5 days in silence, away from all social demands. All this made me connect with the real Self. Absolute silence, losing track of time offers a deeper connection with Self and nature. However, then it became so clear to me that within the quiet there is so much commotion! How in such an idyllic place for peace and relaxation the mind is full of thoughts, worries, memories that cause noise, disturbance and "headache"! The morning group sadhana, the pranayamas, the asanas, the contact with nature, walking barefoot on pine needles with eyes closed, the feeling of dancing without anyone really looking at you, the first blink after each guided meditation, the exercises of patience... and the most beautiful finale, the sharing, where everyone tried to put into words everything they experienced in these 5 days with true words and full of powerful meanings.
The changes in my life after training are noticeable and praiseworthy both by me and by those around me. Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, but also lifestyle changes. What I feel the need to share is the sense of peace and balance I feel when faced with challenges and intense moments. A mental resilience and maturity. Like a rock that is not shaken by either the small or the big waves that hit it.
The school is the right place for those looking for inner growth and self-exploration. It focuses on Self-Awareness, seeing it as a key component of well-being.
The Teacher speaks such beautiful words to your heart. He motivates you to give answers to the essentials and not to the small ones that concern you. He is next to everyone, no matter what stage of the path the students is, with patience, trying to leave his little stone inside him.
I thank him from the bottom of my heart and feel grateful that our paths crossed…
Since... "Everything happens for a reason"!

Marina | Zakynthos, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
With daily sadhana the quality of discipline is what prevails and especially during the morning practice I experienced more dedication. It is there that the "sense" of Self is clearer to me because the mind and body are quiet.
I attended the training asynchronously and the truth is that I was hesitant at first that I would get the same knowledge as if I attended live, but I found out that it is exactly the same. Several times it was even as if I was there in that shala or in the beautiful garden.
Regarding the retreat I attended it asynchronously. It was an unprecedented experience.
The general atmosphere that prevailed made me feel close to both the team and the venue. There were moments when it felt like I was there even though I never actually visited the place.
After the retreat, the "feeling" of the Self is clearer. I believe that there is still "road ahead" regarding Self-Knowledge and with daily sadhana things will become as they will to become .
Thanks in general for the whole experience!!!!

Nadia | Kalampaka, Greece
Advanced Yoga Nidra Teacher Training
Through the Yoga Nidra training I discovered the wisdom that is contained in the practice and the philosophy beyond it. It helped me to understand the power and the influence of the voice, the words and the symbols. The tools given through practice and theory, created the necessary foundation for me to cultivate and develop my teaching style.
I attained the training online. However, the distance does not bother the transmission, the intention and the energy of the teacher and the group.
Now the daily practice helps me explore the different levels of existence enabling me to examine and release mental impressions and psychological imprints that function as obstacle to my development. I would say it is a meditative process, which constantly leads me to expand my spiritual awareness.
Grateful for what I got from this journey!

Wanda | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
An experience I wouldn't change for anything! Tassos, the team, the meetings, the content, the retreat, everything! A one-way ticket to the journey of Self-Knowledge, which while, on the one hand, is lonely, but it is better to do it with guidance and companionship, and…magically, that specific guidance and companionship…that was exactly the point!
The culmination was the retreat! Awesome experience that brings together all the inner preparation you have done in the previous months and it increases it a hundredfold! After those five days, my daily life has practically not changed, but at the same time is no longer the same. The experience of everyday life has changed.
I highly recommend the training to anyone, without any waiting at all and without predetermined perception, a) to allow it to unfold exactly as it "wants" to unfold, and b) because I guarantee that whatever he/she thinks about the training, he/she will be wrong!
Gratitude and… we love Tasso!!!

Vicky | Eleusina, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I always knew that there is something else that I don't see, I always felt that I could observe everything from above..... It was kind of like I was coming out of my body and watching a show.
At first I couldn't explain it, but it was a state that I really liked when I experienced it and it was something normal for me.
However, I always believed that sooner or later I would understand everything that was happening.
So in the first lesson I did with my group, I felt warm, I felt at home and I felt that I was on the right thing.
It was like I was drawn to it all.
The Satsang was what really helped me clear up pieces of the mind and put them in their proper place.
Another great thing I keep from the school is the sangha. In the sangha I met wonderful people who even though I did all my classes online I managed to bond with them. The most beautiful of all are the sharing both indite and outside the school.
The path of self-knowledge became clearer for me, I can now understand that I am something infinite and from the moment I felt this feeling I have not lost it and I will never lose it, because it is as if I came out into the light that I knew all along that there was, but I couldn't get out.
Now I observe everything that happens around me, everything that I do, I observe my thoughts.
I am the observer of my life and of life in general.
I have no expectations from others and neither from myself and this has freed me a lot.
The most useful of all is that the teacher taught me to speak in simple words when it comes to Self-Knowledge.
One of the most beautiful things I have done during my time at the school was the retreat.
First because I was close to the Teacher and the sangha for days and then because the discipline as it always helped me in my life so it helped me there to see things of myself.
The imprint left on me by the retreat has to do with silence. It is something familiar to me and I needed it very, very much to make me understand once again what a paranoid everyday life we all live in the cities, in our work, etc
The retreat, on the one hand, saddened me because I wanted so much to stay there, but on the other hand, I wanted to start living with what I realized there... That is, a free way to grow myself from here and there but also to raise my children.
The disidentification from every thought from every feeling and with the help of the senses and nature to recognize the observer.
If you find it once, you will never lose it.
I have already recommended the school to people I know who are interested in spirituality.
Also seeing me and my own change, many people in my circle asked me why I have changed, which was strange to some but others liked it.
I will not lose contact with the school, I will not lose contact with my Teacher and the sangha because it is simply not possible.
A big thanks to my Teacher, to my sangha, and t to me too!

Andromaxi | Kalavrita, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
What I experienced while attending the course at the school was real beneficial. It helped me a lot mentally and physically. It started a journey that daily reveals and brings to the surface emotions that were buried,
possibilities that I didn't think existed. Body loosened, thoughts cleared
and the heart opened.
Tasso's teaching was simple and to the point, always reminding us to throw away the egoism to go a step further. His guidance was very helpful in the investigation of the Self.
The team made me feel familiar. The times I was with them fellow students were full of love and kindness. Each of us different but the goals were common.
The retreat was a unique and powerful experience. An incentive to continue it of inner search, exercise of the will and liberation from its clichés mind.
This whole journey that seems to have no end is changing me every day.
Although most sessions I joined online, everything was understandable. Tassos helped us contributed to this in a simple way to feel philosophical concepts around yoga. With his music he soothed us and took us on a journey.
The sadhana we had was the sacred moment in the day, the consistency to the self
us, the sense of connection with the universe. Daily exercise helped make every moment of the day precious and to be grateful for every moment.
A big thank to you Tassos just like that...
Only love.

Alkistis | Enfield, UK
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The teaching and philosophy of the self-knowledge journey helped me to be in Presence as much as possible.
Regarding the pedagogical context it offered me a completely different view on things I had never imagined.
The connection with our teacher was a gift of calmness and the connection with my team offered moments of absolute connection with the Whole.
Tassos did the best he could and was as contagious as possible in regarding the online training. I experienced both in-person & online training, I have to say that the school’s garden and the place in general is a paradise of positive energy, joy and Presence!
It was all welcoming and peaceful! I am grateful!
Maria | Polikastro, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
There is a saying “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. That's what happened to me too.
After 2 years of doing yoga without a teacher I decided to search for my spiritual teacher who would help me to deeper into the path of yoga. So while I was looking for schools I also saw the Karma Yoga school. I was impressed by the authentic traditional approach to teaching. The teacher is a person who really inspires you in his own way.
He constantly makes you thirsty for knowledge. But most importantly apart from studying
educational material he makes us understand that knowledge is within us and flows more when we are in a state of presence.
Even though I took almost all of the training online, I felt like I was actually there. I could feel the teacher but also our whole team close to me.
I find the training in a technical and pedagogical context to be very detailed, but also original and understandable.
Before I went to the 5-day retreat, I experienced the presence spasmodically and not so often.
In the 5-day retreat that was not a treat, I had a great time and learned a lot about myself.
The place of the retreat is magical with a very beautiful garden and close to the sea which I love
so much.
After our retreat the changes I experience are daily. Now the presence is continuous and on a constant basis. Now I also experience it when I just walk down the street or do various activities.
So I strongly recommend the school to anyone who wants to be trained in the traditional path of yoga but also to gain Self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is what illuminates everything around us.
My own inspirational text follows…
I experienced and felt all this time with you.
He who seeks knowledge and truth within the infinity of the abyss can sees them if he searches for them with faith, discipline, patience and devotion and without guile. If he has no fear but only love and a pure kind heart.
Then knowledge is freely given to him, he sees with clarity the truth, his whole being
is illuminated. He becomes an earthly star that constantly illuminates and transmits the light it received and to other people by helping them when they are ready to enter the
path of awakening and freedom.
Heart by heart

Sevastiana | Nicosia, Cyprus
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I am not good when it comes to express my experience in words.
All I can say is that I am grateful that I chose this training.
It was the void I had been missing for so many years, and it pointed me how I found myself way back into this life and experience this wonderful path.

George | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The studies are for me a magical journey to Self-knowledge. A journey to myself. To the ‘human’ part as well as to the true Self. The constant practice through sadhana, the weekly meetings and classes, the weekend seminars, and of course, the culmination of the inner journey, the two retreats, gave me a lot of life tools transforming me from human to Human. Through this journey I was able to get to know that I really am not my mind, thoughts, feelings, or senses but something
greater, eternal, and everlasting.
The school's traditional approach was also the reason I chose it as I knew intuitively that this is what I need
I have started a process of getting to know my wounds and observance with detachment the psychological reactions of everyday life. This is due to studies which gave me the tools I needed to achieve an increased degree of constant vigilance over the mind and detachment.
This school is for real seekers. I certainly wouldn't recommend the studies to anyone, but only to those who really want to find the Truth and not to those who seek "wellness" or any relief. The school is for those who really want to look inside. This school will definitely lead the seekers to the unique journey of getting to know yourself and the Self.
The retreat was the culmination of the whole experience. I 'feel' the 'sense' of self-awareness. During the weeks after the retreat I feel like I've made huge steps regarding introspection and self-observation, but also regarding self-control. Although it is an intensive process, I found it very beneficial, especially in the days that followed. I felt tremendously clear and relieved, as well as having better access to the other states of consciousness.

Sofia | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Lao Tzu said: "When the student is ready the teacher appears."
This happened to me! Every moment at the school, confirmed that I am in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. Our teacher, so charismatic and intuitive, told me from the beginning what I needed to know in order to manage many issues in my life! I was so excited when I reached the level of being able to understand what he was telling me and experience it!
I learned so much, I learned about myself, I evolved, I experienced union, I strengthened my body and my spirit, I learned to manage my mind more effectively. Yoga is a gift to humanity! And this gift is not experienced in its fullness through asana practice alone. Our teacher made it very clear and not only verbally but experientially, guiding us on the path of union! The union of mind spirit and body is a magical journey and with the wise guidance of our teacher it is something anyone can experience, if they are ready to work!
Eventually, in this journey of Self-Knowledge you reach a point to see that you are simply love.. You become more and more aware of what you experience, of what you do and say! The whole experience of Self-awareness and mindfulness leads you to a clear view of your life but also to the view that you are “nobody”! You are everything! We are all the same.. We are nothing and everything at the same time!
The retreat for me was one of the most powerful experiences of my life! It's hard to sit with your demons that's truth... But when you sit and learn their names and give them a hug you're on the other side.. Usually we avoid pain but as long as you avoid it you'll be “running forever”. They also want attention... They want to tell us something! In the retreat you sit with your darkness and prepare for the light that is coming.. I am still experiencing the gifts of the retreat and will continue to experience them! I am truly grateful and happy to have experienced all this with the team, which has a huge energy, great support and blessings. I have experienced all this with our wonderful teacher, who I admire. I am grateful and happy because I met him!
Love, simplicity and happiness!

Emmanouil | Kos, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The journey of Self-knowledge gave me the tools so that I could maintain an awakened state of consciousness on a daily basis. Connecting with the group and the teacher's wisdom has been vital.
The process of sadhana was also important as it helps to strengthen the feeling of Presence. I attended the training entirety remotely, but this wasn’t an obstacle.
The teacher is a wonderful person and I am deeply grateful to him. So much kindness and love he offered. For the seeker who is looking to experience the Truth, the school through meditation, techniques and rich pedagogical material creates a profound change that can change everyone's life.

Viki | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The changes are visible to me and to others!
First I got rid of the need to talk all the time and to feel guilty when I am in silence. Silence is now a necessity and also pleasure.
Contact with nature has become an everyday habit. I have a wonderful park near me and I do all my practices outside in the morning. I am calmer with more love for everything! My phobia of dogs and cats is gone and I actually have now great connection with them. I suggested to my kids that we should get a dog!
From a practical point of view I have an aversion to meat. I can't eat meet anymore except sometimes, but with sense of great gratitude. I have also noticed some things regarding the physical body. My bowel is no longer bloated and my cycle is shorter. I don't know if it's a coincidence. And finally I have awesome ENERGY!!! Also my senses are more intense, especially the sense of smell and touch!
“With eyes closed” I would recommend the school, to those who are looking to find the true experience of yoga. I am grateful that Anastasia recommended the school to me, because I would still be wandering aimlessly reaching!
It was an incredible experience, immense gratitude and love!!

Xrisoula | Creta, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
A beautiful, unknown journey…I walked on paths I had never walked before.
Self-knowledge, better understating of the body and loss of "identity"
A journey towards the Self, love, sharing and above all Light.
I experienced the teachings online without feeling that I was missing something.
Through sadhana I gained consistency, dedication and sincerity.
The retreat was a unique experience that will “follow” me in my life, which has changed after it.
When I think of the Teacher, Light and his beautiful smile come to my mind
Thank you Teacher

Marina | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
During the retreat the “revelation” came. It was like the training had “flesh and blood”. Each
day was a step that brought me closer to the purpose of the path.
Every meeting with the sangha was a celebration full of joy. Every practice pinpointed the
purpose of the path. There are so many forms of practices that lead
on the same path of Self-Knowledge. It was as if a strong wind blew and
cleared the path in front of me. Unique experience, absolutely necessary.
After the retreat the sadhana is done as the teacher described, dedicatedly
with grace. It is a gift that was shared by all and received by all!
The training helped identify the path and implement it in daily life. Application during daily life and not just during the sessions.
I would recommend the training to anyone who wants to deepen in yoga and Self-awareness and I would advise to follow the program until the end.
I would like to close with a big Thanks to the teacher and the sangha!

Panagiotis | Nicosia, Cyprus
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Fortunately, there is also online training, otherwise it would be impossible to do this training in person.
I would recommend the school to others who want to follow the spiritual path of yoga. If someone just wants to learn asana in order to shape a nice body I would suggest another teacher.
The teacher has many students but I have only one teacher.

Eleni | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I have here the opportunity to share the experience during the studies at Karma Yoga and I am very grateful for that.
I gave birth to my child unter the tune of Gayatri Mantra and with the help of yogic breathing techniques.
I understood that yoga is vital for my life. I understood the power of pranayama and its connections with the mind.
I gained a new perspective which I try to improve every day. In addition, I came face to face with the mind and past beliefs. My heart softened through the journey of Self-awareness and empathy became an important value of life. As difficult as it may seem, the stress was annihilated through the sessions and through sharing experiences with the group. It worked redeemingly sometimes because I started to realizing the simplicity of everyday life and seeing the beauty everywhere.
Many times I let the mind speak for itself and I am present to listen to it, but it does not determine the actions. It's magical!!
All these things I did almost exclusively with online training. This possibility is wonderful, especially when you live far away from the school. I got caught many times wishing to be at the school to feel even more the energy and positivity of the Teacher and the group. But I am also blessed to have experienced this online.
My senses have been more perspicacious. I believe it has to do with dharana (concentration). Physical pain is often manageable. My migraines improved in point where I didn’t take any special drugs after 14 years! The cloudiness of the mind is gone. I stopped having expectations of myself and others. I am the observer of my life.
Sadhana is sacred during the journey of Self-knowledge. It is the mirror of the soul. The practise was daily. I became an observer of the weaknesses but also of the capabilities. It’s like a juice of tonic ingredients which allows everything to flow more calm and peaceful.
The guide of life is now Love. Through practice, open heart and honesty I am evolving to a better being.
The retreat was beautiful. Although I considered that the lack of sleep and food will tire me, in the end happened the opposite.
I recommend to people to follow these studies. You feel liberation and become the creator of your life. I recommend to everyone to calm the mind, to love, to believe and to be free from foolish rules, in order to discover something deeper.
Thank you Teacher for this experience.
Light and Blessings on the Path you have chosen to follow

Polina | Thessaloniki, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
From this training I did not get what I expected but what I expected was this training. Thank you!

Mariza | Athens, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
300 hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
The studies opened the way for the journey and gave me tools to do it properly.
Regarding the technical & pedagogical context I was transformed from a caterpillar into a butterfly and all this due to my teacher.
The connection with the team is really very strong. You share so many unique things that I think will never be forgotten.
What to say about the retreat… I said most of it during the sharing session on the last day. In short, it changed my life.
My life has changed in many areas due to the studies. Many “bells” ring now when I get out of the path.
The training was also fine and when I participated online.

Rafaela | Kozani, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
300 hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
Starting the 200h studies I felt a wave of change. Love and Presence were all around.
You learn a natural and harmonious way of life and also how to cure diseases on every level through asana, pranayama and meditation.
Through asanas I cured problems I had with my period.
Through the art of pure observation my depression vanished.
Moreover, through the practice of body stability I learned how to calm down during a panic attack.
During the 300h Traditional Yoga Teacher Training a bigger changes occurred.
Now I have complete knowledge of what you can achieve through yoga. Technically you learn how to guide demanding classes and ways to deepen your practice on a personal level. The daily sadhana helps a lot. Without sadhana is not possible to teach anything deeply, because there is no personal experience
As far as the teacher is concerned, he is always a calm and smiling person.
It inspires and guides you not only with what it says and teaches but also with his life as an example. I could not ask for a better teacher, who is always supporting the students with love and generous patience.
With lots of love ……

Elena | Kalamata, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I am deeply grateful for my studentship at this school, with a teacher who has such strong energy, that he radiates it even with his silence.
Knowledge is shared generously, it is very nicely structured, it is eloquent and it is expressed with a feeling of acceptance and encouragement.
I felt connected with the other students even though I attended the classes remotely, there is a feeling of love.
The Lessons and the sadhana contributed to self-improvement both technically and spiritually, but as the teacher says, the essence is in the constant observation to experience the Presence.

Kaliopi | Crete, Greece
200 hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
300 hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
Walking on this path, the connection came without any effort. And the great thing is that this connection did’t required contact in-person. And the connection was deep...
It's amazing to associate with "strangers" in such a way that you may not have been able to connect with your "acquaintances"
Regarding the connection with the teacher ... connection with the light! It’s another gift of the studies.
This training for me an "alarm clock". Strange word but it fits. Everyday life, body, mind slept comfortably, until the studies came like an alarm clock, to illuminate the existence. To remind me of what is inside me.
All this knowledge, the details, which I may never have taken into account before the training, gave me invaluable supplies and tools.
How did I experience sadhana? Alarm clock, supplies, reminder, magical tool.
Honestly, words are not enough to describe the changes in my life due to the studies. Yes! There have been changes. "My" ceased to exist. Because "My Life" is described by who I am, what I do, how I do it … So yes, the biggest change is this. No more "me" and everything changed.
Due to the distance, physical presence was impossible. I really never felt that I was missing something. The experience, the knowledge, the education due to distance learning was not lacking. Wherever I am, I feel the Presence ..

Nikoleta | Patra, Greece
3oo hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
Although I was searching among various teachers, my path (and not by chance) led me to Tassos and his school. It was an unprecedented and unique experience because the teaching had nothing in common with other educational programs I attended in the past. It was indeed traditional and full of knowledge. I learned techniques and ways on how to become better at teaching. Tassos is a teacher who can really initiate you, guide you and take you to new fascinating educational paths ... Gratefulness

Eleni | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I wanted to do the training since very long time and I believe that for everything comes the moment you are ready to accept some things for yourself.
I followed the flow and I really liked the tools in my daily life.
I felt freer and closer to the Presence.
It helped me to stop being afraid of new things and to stop sabotaging myself
Regarding the pedagogical part of the studies, while at the beginning I was convinced that I don’t want to teach, during the studies by just following what we did the path has already brought me to teach what I have mastered.
To share with people who want to know the Self.
I realized what Self-knowledge is…

Eugenia | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Huge gratitude and nothing more.
With these two words I would describe this unique experience.
From our first meeting the sense of Presence - as we used to say for so long - was there.
Many times even during online sessions.
The teachings are so simple even for a small child.
The stability during the teachings pinpointed the sense of Presence.
I met wonderful people and there was solidarity.
The mind learned not to create problems that do not exist and to make everything so simple.
Even in everyday life I removed the sense of "mine" and I hope even more because nothing belongs to us.
A very big thank you to the first and only teacher and to all these people

Maria | Ioanina, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
It is very difficult to describe the changes that happen internally, things that you have heard and were on a mental level e.g. Aparigraha (non-possessive) or tapas (Austerity), Presence etc. and now they sound differently.
Sadhana plays a decisive role. There were mornings, after the end of the sadhana, that I felt like a child and other times I felt "naked".
The retreat works from within!
If you participate as "nothing", as "nobody", you become transparent, clean. Without any expectations, without expecting or imagining anything!
You are not the same anymore ...
Yoga is about to become as transparent, light and waterproof as the water lily petal mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita.

Anna | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The studies began with the goal of better knowledge of asanas and adjustments. I didn’t expect that it would be an experiential journey that would change my life at the age of 28. From the first contact with Tassos it was obvious that he is a true Master, with complete knowledge, faith and love for the path of yoga. The most important thing I keep from this journey is remembrance of innocence, selfless offering and Love as tools to discover Happiness in life!
It is also important to know about the art of teaching, especially lesson planning and presentation of the session to the team. The great hug of the team and Tassos gave me the confidence to follow the path of yoga. Sadhana was a connection with the self that after the 5-day retreat became a need for a daily offering to the Self. The 5-day retreat created incredible emotion for the unique possibilities of man beyond the narrow limits set by the mind, brought great bonding with the team and the teacher and was sealed with the promise of mental, spiritual and physical peace in any condition lead life. Finally, the possibility of online training is an opportunity for constant contact and connection with the team when physical presence at yoga school is not possible.
Huge Thanks and infinite Love and Gratitude to Tassos and the team!

Mairi | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The pedagogical framework helped me in the process of taking into consideration everything that a yoga seeker-teacher needs to pay attention to in order to be responsible towards his future students.
I have noticed changes in my life due to the studies. The first thing that struck me was that I felt I wanted to be more consistent in what I chose to do and not run away so easily, unless there was a good reason.
I was looking for grounding. As well as ways to be a little slower and more conscious in everyday life. That's why I was looking for a job that favours something like this. I was looking more and more often to be in the present moment and that’s enough for me.
I often thought that I needed to connect with my body, listen to its needs and feed it properly, on every level.

Mairi | Athens, Greece
Bhakti Yoga, Kirtan & Indian Harmonium Teacher Training
Bhakti Yoga training helped me to understand and feel the sense of surrendering to the Divine. You are in this space where everything is One.
It has strengthened the acceptance of diversity that begins with us and embraces all beings. It is like a light that illuminates the path of Love.
Regarding the technical part, the videos for our personal practice were very helpful and the online
Training was useful during the period when I couldn’t be present to the yoga school.
Thank you

Katerina | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
During the studies I realized not only yoga and oriental philosophy but all the theories and philosophies of human history. Through deeper involvement with the philosophy of yoga, the eyes of consciousness opened and I realized that it is not only yoga, but all religions, all philosophies from ancient times, the Stoics, the Pythagoreans, the ancient mystics, Christianity, Buddhism, Zen philosophy, Hinduism, shamans, Native American tribes, Canada, Oceania, all say the same thing. All starts and ends to the same point. The differences concern the paths and the tools. And I wonder if any Latin American shaman who has never left his village has come in contact with the Stoics or the Hindus, or if the truth we are looking for as seekers is One and it’s revealed to some people, who express it with different words and ways, but they all end up to the same One, Love.
And there has never been a more beautiful thought that fills me with hope and light. And only for this realization this journey deserved to be made and brought a huge change. But it’s not only that. I share here only a moment from all moments I have experienced through these months, which shaped and still are shaping me to a great extent into what I am today. I could write pages about every moment, every experience since I started this journey. A journey which has not only beautiful moments, some of the most intense experiences I had, were quite difficult and painful. Some internally and some externally, or maybe both. For example the vigil meditation and the 5 days retreat. I approached those difficult moments, with “emotion and mind”, but that may have been the reason why after that I felt free (especially after the retreat) as if there were no more feelings and thoughts. I was a living and immortal consciousness. But also the moments when feelings and thoughts returned, I am another person, lighter, brighter, more conscious and freer. I am glad that I trusted the teacher, the team but also life itself that led me to this experience.
There is nothing more touching than our teacher's empathy (which was like he was reading our minds frequently) and his selflessness, when he accepts any point of view and whatever unpleasant we to say to him, such as “that I don’t find the long meditation sitting useful”, in order to help student to the path of self-realization. And finally, I know that the many hours of meditation and everything else we have learned during this training is very useful. Even through the five-days retreat, it became clear that the time that passes is relative. On the last day of the retreat the five-hour seat, which in the previous days seemed to roll slowly and painfully, passed as if in an instant, the sense of time stopped. The last months seem like a whole new life, while the relationships that have been created are so deep and meaningful that I could only compare them with family relationships. The relationship with the group is like a lighthouse in the ocean. The relationships between people should be like that, full of love, acceptance and freedom, without possessiveness, without expectations. Of course, the circumstances we met and the fact that everyone has organized their lives away from each other, contribute to this unique feeling, but I finally realize that we come closer with each other much more through silence, sharing and solidarity rather than through communication and interaction as we have learned so far. Gratitude for everything!

Nancy | Patra, Greece
3oo hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
Searching for paths that will make me better as a person and as a yoga teacher, I decided to follow the studies 300h Tradition Yoga Teacher Training. I participated online
The studies helped me to experience - to discover in depth the Philosophical yogic knowledge. The program through the journey of Bhakti yoga, secret sounds, voice, knowledge of Indian Deities, the Sanskrit language, pranayama techniques, asana etc. was complete, detailed and offered me another way of life and daily awareness, Love and Presence.
The studies helped me to develop the 5 senses by discovering the Self, away from negative thoughts, with patience and respect for the Divine.
Sandhana helped me to concentrate, to remember, to focus on my centre and to gain a deeper understanding of “I AM” and inner peace of mind in daily life. The session planning and teaching with the guidance and observations of the co-students and the teacher were very useful and helped me to develop a more complete pedagogical experience, self-knowledge and self-confidence.
Online training was effective and contagious.
Finally, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart my teacher who is a source of inspiration, Love, Light, offer, Knowledge and my companions for this beautiful life journey.
Namaste !!!

Dimitra | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
A treasure of knowledge, offered with devotion and respect, contributing to physical and spiritual development.
Authentic teaching, with a philosophy that inspires me and pushes me towards the eternal search.
The deepening of the practice on a technical, philosophical and experiential level, constantly opened space for observation.
I feel gratitude and love for this precious and transformative life experience, which was offered to me with the right guidance and support.

Maria | Arginio, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
3oo hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
200 hour
Teacher’s quates which have “marked” me and made me approach the peace of mind more often are the following: "You are not your gender, your profession, your identity, your personality", "It does not matter if negative thoughts come, observe "like a movie, do not judge them and come back to the present moment without pressure", "Experience everything as a baby, which has no identity and roles and it’s free".
Also for the first time I I had thoughts like "I can’t stand in sirshasana. So what, it does not matter! It will may happen at some point latter and it’s not so important after all! "
300 hour
The studies brought me in touch with my purest and most unpretentious self. They helped me experience and express myself more authentically

Elena | Oinofyta, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Unforgettable experience! It is a milestone of my life!

Basiliki | Kalamata, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
300 hour Traditional Yoga Teacher Training
I feel that now it is clear to me what I really want, since I have been taught in some way to seek the truth . I learned to listen to observe me. So the changes were shocking. The feeling after the retreats is unique. Regarding the team, I feel it was karmic to meet you all and I feel blessed that this happened.

Dionysis | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Report of a 5 days retreat
In this 5 days I was confronted with many parts of myself.
Some of them superficial and others deeper and more occult.
The common denominator was the intention of constantly observing and being aware of what I was doing.
It was not always easy, but whenever this happened, I noticed a much slower and deeper rhythm that connected me and my center, which did not allow me to be seduced as easily as other times by external stimuli.
I am/was more solid in my gait and mental state creating a strong arc inwardly as I related to life.
This in practice was obviously magnified and sometimes took the form of a really genuine very conscious disorder.
For example, in the asana where the hand was held high for a long time, I realized that the pain may not be as much mine as I thought.
Going through various stages I came to see the hand standing, the body in pain but I was not affected in any way by them.
It was a revealing moment that even for a few seconds the mind sent the pain signals but without me being them.
Also waking up in the morning, was for me a great moment of this five-day withdrawal. It was the beginning that shaped the rest.
The density of the first minutes of silence and the effortless awareness of it, created an almost erotic intoxication that flowed everywhere in the space around us and composed an invisible unity.
The first darkness, this dense silence, and the vibration of the earth at that time opened space for every possible version of life to take place.
It was all available.
It was all there. In the present moment.
Later in the day the team slowly opened up and the physical body with sadosha predominant for me, a satisfaction that fascinates me and always leads me right.
Towards me. To the whole.
Another great piece was bhakti.
The cult side that through mantras complemented something that for me is a key and dominant component in this path of self-knowledge.
The erotic mood. The longing that becomes a melody.
The moments of crying or smiling offered to the divine. That express what is not expressed and that united us all under a common embrace.
A common house. Our house.
My current situation finds me more focused, calmer and with a sweet fit so that I can continue to walk and deepen against the inertia and laziness of mechanics.
Finally I would like to share a text I wrote through love and the sweet experience of this blessed presence in the now praising life itself. The way I felt it in words at that moment.
--Adulthood is taking place.
The present is made of peace and love.
An astro-blue daring springs from the flood of existence.
Where the ripples under the golden light soothe the storms of ignorance and speak to the whole universe.
I go out to look, to sunbathe, to cross to the other side of the sea.
The expectation evaporates.
Only now.
Only earth and salt.
Light within light.
Silence is the focus of understanding that constantly deepens and defines the great, the high, the rich, everything here, everything simple and unexplored.
The overtly familiar as the breast the mother who imagines home and road together

Michail | Kavala, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The combination of the theoretical knowledge with the practical application, the great experience of the teacher in combination with his exelent technical training helped me to "unlock" those parts regarding the art of teaching that were inaccessible for learning through books.
My connection with the teacher was direct. His devotion to God, his love for teaching, his spiritual grace, made me feel from the first moment that from this man I will be able not only to acquire technical knowledge but also to touch the essence of Yoga, which it is beyond words and thoughts!
Throughout the studies I felt the love of the teacher flowing towards us and his interest which was paternal but also full of respect!
The connection with my classmates was also direct, I found myself with spiritual companions whose sincere search and full of thirst for the Divine united us from the first moment.
The relationship with the teacher and classmates peaked during the retreat where our connection became truly fraternal!
The overnight meditation experience can be described in just one word: DEPTH!
The retreat was a great experience. We were given the opportunity to practice all forms of sadhana and experience the harmonious connection. The energy produced by the sangha, together with the presence of teachers and mature souls, gave us the opportunity to experience transcendental union experiences! The sadhana was quite demanding and this was a strong "break" from the habits, from the personal limits… The sadhana in combination with the conditions of the retreat created the atmosphere for spiritual development!
At Karma Yoga the online teaching were also very effective. Nevertheless, the physical presence of the team and the teacher is something very special, and I think that the retreat is absolutely necessary!

Anna Samadhi | Evia, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The studies helped me to become even more aware of my true essence and my connection to the Whole.
Regarding the technical and pedagogical context it gave me more knowledge, tools, keys and techniques to be able to be more and more in Presence...
The vigil meditation, even though I did not manage to complete it, was for me something new and helped me to exceed my comfort zone.
The experience of the retreat was very nice and I am still experiencing its benefits.
Sadhana was one of the keys and the main ways for me to stay in Presence.
Online training and online courses were very helpful, because they were taking place in a daily basis.
Surely there have been profound changes in my life thanks to the studies. I feel like I have been sculpted into a person closer to his true essence.

Katherine | Kavala, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The training is a beautiful journey, which gave me love, inspiration and the keys to continue the path. The pedagogical framework was gave as all the tools we need, in order to teach other people with responsibility and self confidence.
The vigil meditation experience was something new and evocative.
After the training the changes that came in my life were pleasant. Regarding the
Observation and Presence in everyday life, came into my life and brought more balance.
As far as online courses are concerned, we did not have any particular loss of knowledge.
I thank for my heard our teacher for his effort and inspiration which gave us generously.
Om namah shivaya

Kostas | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The way I breathe has changed during everyday life!

Konstantinos | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The school helped me by building a solid foundation in the realization of emptiness that everything is one creation on the clouds of the mind. If you observe the clouds you will discover that they come and go continuously while you remain there as a pure observer.
The teacher leads us with his soul and with his wholeness to the path.
Our Retreat is an indelible part of my life, I experienced this timeless thing that some people call it “a crack in time”. 5 days that lasted a whole life or a moment.
Everyday Sadhana taught me discipline without expectations (as long as I managed to do it :-))
The all night meditation is a great challenge with ourselves and our demons and the part within us that is always present
I am grateful to the universe that I found myself on this path and climbed the first step.
A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all my sisters and brothers and immense gratitude to the teacher and my brother Tassos

Damaruki Devi | Crete, Greece
Bhakti Yoga, Kirtan & Indian Harmonium Teacher Training
The most important thing is the bright presence of the teacher Tassos Antonopoulos Narayana. This presence touched me deeply, as it did 7 years ago when I first met him. This is happened also during the training even through the screen (I did the Bhakti Yoga training online)! His knowledge and wisdom, his maturity, abilities, love and devotion to bhakti yoga are more than obvious ! They drift and inspire me in my daily journey to the sacred sounds!
Gratitude and love!

Despoina | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The whole journey was a wonderful experience! I join the studies with guidance from "above". It was gingerly and diligently planned and I realized it along the way.

Katherine | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
We went deeper into the philosophy of yoga, meditation and discovered the true meaning of yoga. Union with Self, awareness of what is happening inside, feelings, experiences, personality. I realized what it means to be in the present moment, to be aware of what is happening inside and around, to stay calm and to just observe. Through this process, my daily life changed. Less stress, better mood, more energy and better management, more composure in the way of dealing with everyday situations. I came in contact with my feelings.
The group was very helpful because there was always a beautiful atmosphere of love, understanding, acceptance and common goals that helped both the education process and the path of self-knowledge.
It was an intense but very beautiful experience that changed my daily life and is just the beginning of a different way of life, which has the goal to know my Self, to be grateful for what I have and to become a better and happier person day by day.

Vicky | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The experience was great. The program is tightly structured, the offer knowledge unstoppable. This training helps towards the awareness of the moment, of the present while at the same time it helps towards changing the way of thinking.
It is statistically difficult to be the same person after this training.
Understanding, calmness, awareness, joy and love have increased, while on the physical level the body has been strengthened and flexibility has increased, while at the same time close attention has been paid to our life-giving source, respiration.

Nancy | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
It was really wonderful... I loved the philosophy and the scientific depth of yoga. It was like leaving one world and entering another. I loved the principle of non-violence and non-attachment. The training was so deep, full of love and kindness.
The composition of the team was very good, everyone was very kind with true interest regarding the path. In many ways I got encouragement from the team. I'm glad that there are other people with the same interests as my and the same concerns. I am really grateful for everything and I hope more and more people can cultivate spirituality and be able to help others. It's something I think we need this period.
Polly | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
The experience while completing the teacher training was beyond my imagination. All these beautiful experiences were "life experiences". Things we experienced and did not just read from books and guides…
The benefits of sadhana are enormous both physically and spiritually.
Many of my daily habits have changed, such as getting up earlier to do my practice, pure observation during the day... Trying to connect more with my center even in busy and noisy places like the school I work!
… In general, our journey this year brought me peace and great joy. Not the joy that comes from the mind, but the authentic joy that comes from within us!
Regarding the retreats, I have to say that they benefited me a lot. I found the program of the retreats effective and intensive. I experienced the results of the retreats intensely when they were over. Then I had an incredible strength and joy, but at the same time an identification with the unnecessary things that are not needed in our life: thoughts, actions, habits etc.
The experience of this path is indescribable! It was experiential! Superiority! It transformed my life...
Panagiotis | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I acquired vast technical knowledge" to be able to lead a class. Satsang, mantra, pranayama, surya namaskar, asana with their variations, mudra, bandha, meditation techniques, yoga nidra, sanskrit terminology, teaching methodology, anatomy, physiology, energy anatomy, philosophy and much more.
Apart from the technical elements, through this training, a path opened to me. I was invitatied to accept life in all forms. It encouraged me to understand and accept the flavors of life. It reminded me that I can enjoy life to the fullest, in depth, so every single day, every moment becomes yoga practice. Creating space within, all thoughts, feelings, words and actions, opening my heart to experience how vulnerable I am, to welcome and accept what comes and then just let it fade away. So without fear or doubt but with courage and deep confidence I learned to improve the relationship with myself. Free from the fear of change i leaned to build the ability to accept life as it comes.
And with this philosophical attitude, the teachings reminded me that all dualities from the most amazing to the most tragic, happiness to sadness, the full range of emotions is a manifestation of the divine and exists to bring me a little closer to the divine element. that is inside me.

John | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I found "my people" there.
My need for Knowledge that was given to us exceptionally, was growing every day! The program is so well structured...
My sadhana was done in a daily basis and I felt my body and mind waking up. I knew it, I had done it again, I remembered !!
My insecurities were leaving day by day. The anxious and nervous John was changing rapidly! My mind was unlocked every day with ideas, thoughts and memories. My body also so awaked. My health was much better! Psychological blocks were removed and also issues on the physical body like a concaved intervertebral disc, issues of the neck, waist, knee injuries began to disappear at a geometric rate. My kyphosis was also improved by 60-70%! My life in all areas started to change within 5 months...
Virginia | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
It was a truly inner and personal affair that had an impact on all aspects of my life… I learned take care myself, love myself on a more consistent basis than before. Also to respect and listen to my needs without attachment.
I could write a lot refarding this training.... but I am afraid that the words are not enouth. I would like to conclude that refereing on my experience so far... I know everything! The truth lives in me like an ancient legacy. All I have to do is pull the veil that keeps them securely hidden. I am part of the universal truth!
Finally I would like to refer with unlimited love and respect to my teacher and thank him deeply for the knowledge he gave to us, as well as to my amazing companions and very cordial friends. With them I traveled and was tied in a very rare and special way.

Konstadina | Kalamata, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
I solved some physical issues, such as allergic rhinitis with the help of therapeytic mudras. My back pain was reduced with the help of asana. I feel now stronger regarding gastrointestinal issues that I was sensitive in the past. On psychological level there was impromnet on my mood, irritability, anger management, some specific tendencies, self-controland and of course I came to important conclusions regarding patterns that have been imprinted on my way I expiriance life. I am grateful and thankful for everything the program has offered to me

Nikolas | Athens, Greece
2oo hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Get to know a rare teacher, an evolving personality in its full spiritual, mental but also sentimental maturity.